Patrick T Campbell

Patrick T Campbell

Tip 12—Generous Admiration

Always honor and admire the talents of others no matter what . . .

This tip should be a “no brainer,” yet sometimes needs attention. How many times have you been in a situation where you honor the talents of others and end up also gaining more momentum, energy, and enthusiasm yourself? Almost always, it never works the other way. You never gain lasting strength or power by finding fault in others. Typically what you find is that the fault bugs you because you have it in yourself and will not or do not even know it exists. Think about it, the more you admire others for the strengths you see in them, the more likely you are also honoring the strengths you can develop or have in yourself.  When you express genuine admiration for any subtle or even more profound action of another person, you both benefit. However, the trick is not to willy-nilly admire someone for the benefit of yourself but rather to give generous admiration especially when you might be limiting yourself by a little jealousy or shyness that keeps you from expressing your true thoughts.

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