Patrick T Campbell

Patrick T Campbell

Tip 9—Fearless Hunches

When you have a hunch about how best to do something, examine your fears, address them, and then pursue your hunch with conviction . . .

How many times have you had a hunch and did not follow through because of some fear? You thought your idea was too radical and it would be too hard to convince others of its merit or you did not want to go on the record as bringing up a stupid idea. The fact is that you were right and did not speak up. What often happens is that your fear overtakes your ability to take a risk. The best way to handle this is to take risks on purpose by stepping outside of your comfort zone so that the habit of addressing fears becomes easier. There are many ways to do this and it's different for everyone. Some take up sky diving, others take dance lessons or join an improv group, while for others it just means taking a look at how silly the fear is and being able to step up and follow through with convinction. In all cases, the willingness to accept critism and be vulnerable works best while standing by a good hunch.

1 comment:

Patrick T Campbell said...

Testing 1, 2, 3